
The segregated code combination in the UNIWorks readily avails itself to ease financial reporting at the University of Northern Iowa.

Historically, information has been requested from UNI concerning the entire university, a college or a departmental level, sometimes by project or semester. Many inquiries are for a specific revenue or expenditure type, especially salary and wage or travel information. Some data is required to maintain funding or accreditation. Information is requested by the State of Iowa, the Federal government, grantors, news organizations and many others.

The code combination sections are defined below:

FundCost CenterLedger AccountProgramFunctionActivity


1. Fund: Unique four digit identifier for each entity outside the General Education Fund. Each fund is a separate Balance Sheet entity. Fund ranges are as listed below:

Four-Digit IdentifierEntity
0011-0199General Fund
0200-2999Other Funds Unrestricted
3000-3999Auxiliary Enterprises
4000-6999Grants and Contracts
7000-7199Loan Funds
7300-8999Plant Funds
9000-9999Agency Funds

2. Cost Center: Every office and department at the University of Northern Iowa has a unique five digit code. The cost center code is used for security rules. The cost center ranges are as follows:

Five-Digit CodeOrganization
10000-19999President's Office
20000-29999Academic Affairs
30000-39999Student Affairs
40000-49999Finance and Operations
90000-99999Marketing and Advancement


4. Ledger Account: The five digit ledger account classifies the asset, liability, net asset, revenue, and expenditure types. The ranges are as listed:

Five-Digit Ledger AccountType
15000-19999Net Assets
40000-49999Transfers In
50000-59999Salaries, Wages and Fringe Benefits
60000-69999Supplies and Services, non-capitalized
70000-79999Fixed Asset Acquisitions, Interest Expense, Indirect Costs, Misc.
90000-99999Transfers Out


5. Program: The four digits in this combination segment represent different projects or endeavors within a college or department at UNI.

6. Function: The two digit code is required for reporting by the National Association of Colleges and University Business Officers, an organization that provides definitions to maintain comparability between public institutions. The functions are as follows:

Two-Digit CodeOrganization
31Public Service
41Academic Support
51Student Services
61Institutional Support
71Operation and Maintenance of Plant
73Building Repairs
81Scholarships and Fellowships
91Auxiliary Enterprises
96Renewals and Replacements
98Debt Retirement

7. Activity: This four digit section of the code combination reflects institutional wide endeavors that require segregated tracking of revenues and/or expenditures.